Contemporary Urushi Lacquer
light's swirls and whirls
Video produced by Camille Arnett, Cultural Arts Coordinator, Arthur M. Glick JCC, Indianapolis, March 2023
as an introduction to Nhat Tran’s solo exhibition
Conservation work done in 2019 on “On the Tip of Our Wings”
Produced by the Indianapolis Airport Authority,
Arts Program and Marketing, 2020
Produced by Aric Hartvig, Filmmaker, WFYI-Public Media, 2007
“The essential principle of my process is to set my spirit free as it piles up layers upon layers more or less randomly. My creativity is guided by my intuition and my desire to experiment without any planning. When the time comes to sand down all the layers millimeter by millimeter to reveal colors buried here or there at various depths, I try to do so with the least imposition on my part. The thrill of the journey and the sense of adventure come from not knowing what the outcome will be.”